Thursday, February 28, 2019

Chem is Cool - Tide Pods and Cigarette Smoke

Click on the pictures to go to the website where you will find more information

For question #8, here is the video 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Chemistry of Insect Venom and Sting Pain Index

Listen to an interview with Schmidt who developed the pain scale (it is the first ten minutes) on a RadioLab podcast 

What's the difference between poison and venom? Watch this TedEd Talk!

How does your brain respond to pain? Watch this TedEd Talk!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Chem is Cool: Lethal Doses and Natural vs. ManMade Chemicals

This week's topic is about lethal doses and LD50.

The second portion is about the difference in toxicity of natural vs. manmade chemicals. Most people wrongly assume that if a chemical is natural that is good and that if a chemical is manmade then it is bad. Both can be good and both can be bad!